
 At Prime Time Companies we work towards surpassing the expectations of our clients because we know just how important every detail is in every project awarded. PTC is equipped with internal and external experts for Commercial and Residential Inspections. Our team complies to all regulations and with the state of the art technology we deliver our customers with accuracy in data and rapid results. .

Commercial & Residential Inspections

  • Lead Base Paint Inspections
  • Progress of New and Rehabilitation Construction
  • Conditions of Property
  • Occupancy
  • Health and Safety Standards
  • Violations and Standards of each Code
  • Architectural Progress
  • Equipment and Materials on site and off site

Prime Time Companies is a EPA certified environmental inspection company that offers unparalleled inspection services. Add EPA logos (2)


We have a network of over 25 EPA and HUD UPCS certified inspectors
that provide unparalleled inspection services to our local, state and federal clients.

What is Lead?

Lead is a naturally occurring element found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. While it has some beneficial uses, it can be toxic to humans and animals, causing health effects.

Where is Lead Found?

Lead can be found in all parts of our environment – the air, the soil, the water, and even inside our homes. Much of our exposure comes from human activities including the use of fossil fuels including past use of leaded gasoline, some types of industrial facilities and past use of lead-based paint in homes. Lead and lead compounds have been used in a wide variety of products found in and around our homes, including paint, ceramics, pipes and plumbing materials, solders, gasoline, batteries, ammunition and cosmetics.

Lead may enter the environment from these past and current uses. Lead can also be emitted into the environment from industrial sources and contaminated sites, such as former lead smelters. While natural levels of lead in soil range between 50 and 400 parts per million, mining, smelting and refining activities have resulted in substantial increases in lead levels in the environment, especially near mining and smelting sites.

When lead is released to the air from industrial sources or spark-ignition engine aircraft, it may travel long distances before settling to the ground, where it usually sticks to soil particles. Lead may move from soil into ground water depending on the type of lead compound and the characteristics of the soil.

Federal and state regulatory standards have helped to reduce the amount of lead in air, drinking water, soil, consumer products, food, and occupational settings.

Lead Paint Inspections

When lead is released to the air from industrial sources or spark-ignition engine aircraft, it may travel long distances before settling to the ground, where it usually sticks to soil particles. Lead may move from soil into ground water depending on the type of lead compound and the characteristics of the soil.

Federal and state regulatory standards have helped to reduce the amount of lead in air, drinking water, soil, consumer products, food, and occupational settings.

Asbestos Inspections

Prime Time Companies is a certified asbestos inspection company. We use core sampling techniques to locate any asbestos containing materials (ACM) in your home or project. The samples are analyzed using polarized light microscopy (PLM) to determine if asbestos is present. After the samples are analyzed we will provide you with a detailed report outlining our findings so you can safely proceed with your project. Asbestos fibers are dangerous and can be found in old and new buildings.

Mold Inspections

Prime Time Companies uses visual inspections, surface sampling, and air sampling techniques to locate and identify mold growth. Our thorough inspections check all areas of the property that could be the cause of mold growth such as under sinks, around toilets, showers, hot water heaters and laundry areas. We check for roof leaks, flashing leaks, leaks around windows and siding. If we can visually verify mold in the home we can analyze the mold to identify which type is growing and if it is toxic. We also use high flow air sampling devices to test the air in the home and compare it to the air outside the home to ensure mold spore levels are similar and acceptable.

UPCS/REAC Inspections

The Uniform Physical Condition Standards (UPCS) is an inspection protocol developed by HUD to evaluate if its residents live in decent, safe and sanitary housing.



Building Inspection Services


Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors

Regulation, Licensing,and Inspection
of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors


Regulation and Administration of Communications, Electric, Gas, and Other Utilities

Regulation and Administration
of Communications, Electric, Gas,
and Other Utilities